Sunday, 22 March 2015

Selection of appropriate learning model will bring the student to learn according to their learning style way so that objectives can be achieved with optimal learning there are different models. In practice, teachers should remember that there is no learning model is the most appropriate for all situations and conditions. Therefore, in selecting appropriate learning model must consider the condition of the student, the nature of teaching materials, facilities-available media, and conditions of teachers themselves.
Type - the type of models learned quite a lot, according to Erman Suherman there are 65, are also learning model related to the subject or subjects, there are examples of physics learning models, learning models mataematika, geography learning models, learning models Indonesian and others. The use of the learning model is also influenced by the philosophy of education, such as learning models in accordance with the philosophy of constructivism, learning model that suits progesivisme philosophy, and others. Besides learning model also relies on the use of technology in education, for example, the use of computers.

According to Slavin   cooperative learning is learning that is done in groups, the students in the class serve small groups consisting of 4 to 5 people to understand the concept of which is facilitated by the teacher. Cooperative learning model is a model of learning by setting small groups by taking into account the diversity of the group members as a forum for students to cooperate and solve problems through social interaction with their peers, giving learners the opportunity to learn something well at the same time and he was a guest speaker for another friend. So Cooperative learning is a learning model that promotes collaboration among students to achieve learning goals.
Cooperative learning model has several characteristics, among these characteristics are as follows:
1) To complete the learning materials, students learn cooperatively in groups
2) The group is formed of students who have high ability, medium and low
3) If the students are a class consisting of several races, tribes, cultures of different genders, it is necessary that in each group consisted of race, ethnicity, culture, gender different
4) The rewards are preferred on the work of the individual groups.
These models go from the premise that getting better together emphasizes providing greater learning opportunities and a conducive environment for students to acquire and develop the knowledge, attitudes, values, and social skills that are useful for life in society.
Through cooperative learning model, students not only learn and accept what is presented by the teacher in the learning process, but can also learn from other students, and also have the opportunity to membelajarkan other students. The learning process with cooperative modelpembelajaran is able to stimulate and arouse students' optimal potential in an atmosphere of learning in small groups consisting of 2 to 6 students.
By the time the students work in groups will develop an open learning atmosphere in kesejawatan dimension, because at that time there will be a collaborative learning process in a personal relationship of mutual need. At that time also the students who learn in small groups will grow and develop learning patterns of peer tutoring (pear group) and learn to cooperate (cooperative). As the effects of the cooperative learning model isntruksional is comprehension, critical and creative thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, skills in meaningful use of knowledge, the learning process effective. While the impact of escorts is to create a classroom environment that is democratic, and effective in addressing student diversity, student autonomy and freedom, freedom as a student, growing social, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
The elements of cooperative learning model are as follows:
1. Positive interdependence. The group's success is highly dependent on the efforts of each of its members.
2. Individual responsibility. This element is a direct result of the first element. If the assessment tasks and the pattern made ​​by the procedure of cooperative learning model, each student will feel responsible to do their best.
3. Face to face. In cooperative learning each group should be given the opportunity to meet face to face and discuss. This interaction activities will provide the learner to form a synergy that benefits all members. The essence of synergy is to appreciate the difference, taken advantage of, and take up the slack.
4. Communication between members. This element also requires that the pembejar equipped with various communication skills
5. Evaluation process group. Teachers need to schedule a time for the group to evaluate the group process and the results of their cooperation in order to further work together more effectively. The time of this evaluation need not be held whenever there is group work, but can be held after some time.
There are six (6) step in cooperative learning model are:
1. Delivering the objectives and motivate students. Teachers convey and communicate learning goals to be achieved basic competencies and motivate students.
2. Presenting information. Teachers present information to students.
3. Organize students into learning groups. The teacher informs the student grouping.
4. Guiding the study groups. Teachers motivate and facilitate the work of students in study groups.
5. Evaluation. Teachers evaluate the learning outcomes of the learning materials that have been implemented.
6. Giving award. Master of rewarding individual and group learning outcomes.
Cooperative learning has a positive impact on learning outcomes for students who are low enough to provide a significant increase in learning outcomes. Cooper reveals the advantages of cooperative learning methods, among others:
1) Students have the responsibility and be actively involved in the learning
2) Students can develop higher order thinking skills
3) Improving student retention
4) Improve student satisfaction toward learning materials
Cooperative learning is more emphasis on the process of working together in a group, the objectives to be achieved not only academic ability, in the sense of mastery learning materials, but also the existence of elements of cooperation for the control of these materials, this collaboration is a hallmark of cooperative learning.
According to Slavin and Chambers (1996) argues that by learning through cooperative can be explained through several perspectives:
  • Social perspective: through the cooperative each student will assist each other in learning, karene they want all members of the group gain success (working as a team to evaluate the success of the group).
  • Cognitive developmental perspective means angtara interaction group members can develop student performance to process a variety of information. Collaboration cognitive (each student will strive to gain and understand the cognitive information to add knowledge).
Thus the characteristics of the Learning Strategies Group can be described as follows:
a. Learning team means the team is the place for the purpose, so each student must help each other to achieve these goals, one another to contribute to the success of the group.
b. Based on Cooperative Management, management has four basic functions, among them; functions of planning, organization function, the function implementation, and control functions. This means that all forms requires careful planning, so that the implementation of goal achievement can be run in accordance with their respective functions, while the criteria for success through tests and non-test.
c. Willingness To Cooperate, success in cooperative learning groups defined by success, then the principle of working together need to be emphasized in the process of cooperative learning, the need to help each other, interact with each other and sal; ing communicate.
d. Participation and Communication (Communication Participation): to train students to be able to interact and participate and communicate, it is very important to equip their future in society. To have the ability to communicate does take time students can not directly mastered in a short time, the teacher must continue to train until in the end the student has the ability to be a good communicator.
In a procedure known as some of the principles of cooperative learning in
of which:
1.   Explanation of material, defined as the process of delivery points subject matter prior to student learning in a group, in this process the teacher may use lecture method, the method of question and answer, even if teachers need to use the demonstration.
2.   Learning in a group, grouping students in this process in a way biased heterogeneous, according to Lie (Anita Lie (2005) reasons for the use of heterogeneous grouping is preferred, because it can provide an opportunity to teach each other (Peer Tutoring) and mutual support, improve relationships and interactions, facilitate classroom management.
3.   Assessment; performed with a test or quiz and done individually and groups.
4.   Recognition Team (Team Recognition), is poenerapan team that is considered the most prominent or outstanding team to be rewarded, so as to motivate the team to improve its success.
1.   SPK Excellence
The advantages of cooperative learning as a teaching strategy include:
a.   Through DSS students are less dependent on the teacher, but can increase the confidence in the ability to think for themselves, finding information from a variety of sources, and learn from other students.
b.   DSS can develop the ability mengungkapkanide or ideas with verbal words and compare it with the ideas of others
c.    DSS can foster cooperation by not knowing the differences
d.   DSS can help empower each student to take more responsibility in learning.
e.    DSS is a powerful enough strategy to improve academic achievement, as well as social kempuan, including developing a sense of self-esteem, positive interpersonal relationships with others, develop skills to manage time, and a positive attitude toward school.
f.      Through DSS to develop the ability of students to test their own ideas and understanding, receive feedback, practice solving problems without fear of making a mistake, because the decisions made ​​are the responsibility of the group.
g.   DSS can enhance students' ability to use information and learning kemmampuan abstract becomes real (real)
h.   Interasksi for cooperative operation may increase the motivation and stimulus to thought which is useful for long-term educational process.
2. Limitations / Weaknesses SPK
- To understand and appreciate the philosophical SPK takes time, so
students may not directly be able to understand the philosophy of the cooperative in a short time.
- The main characteristic of each student membelajarkan SPK is, if no effective peer teaching, the bias occurs such learning is not understood and can not be achieved by the students.
- The success of DSS is more prominent success of the group, which is expected in the actual learning achievement is the success of individual students.
- The success of DSS in an effort menganmbangkan group consciousness requires a fairly long period of time, it may not be achieved in a short time.
- Although the ability to work together is a very important capability for students, but many activities in life that just based on individual capabilities, ideally in SPK how to build confidence for each student.

From the above discussion papers, then we can conclude that cooperative learning is a learning strategy where students learn in small groups that have different levels of ability. Learning the skills approach in the process of cooperative learning can change the setting of the learning center teacher to student centered.
In essence the concept of cooperative learning is the teacher presents a lesson and then students work in teams to ensure that all team members have mastered the lesson

Djamarah and Zain. , 2002. Teaching and Learning Strategies. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved.
Ditdik Junior High School (2002). Contextual Approach (Contextual Teaching and Learning, CTL). Jakarta.: Ministry of Education.
H. Douglas Brown. , 2008. Principles of Teaching and Learning Languages. The fifth edition. Cholis Noor Translation and YUSI Avianto Pareanom. The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embbassy. Jakarta
Slavin, Robert E, 2005, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice. Translate Lita, Nusa Media, London.

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